#!/usr/bin/python # # This sample script is a username crawler: it will obtain all known usernames # from block chain and then try to download avatar and profiles for all of # them. The report is shown as an html file. # # Downloaded data is cached in a python pickle file, so it may be executed # again and it won't need to get everything all over again (you may run it # from cron scripts, for example) import sys, cPickle, time dbFileName = "usernameCrawler.pickle" htmlFileName = "userlist.html" cacheTimeout = 24*3600 try: from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy except ImportError as exc: sys.stderr.write("Error: install python-bitcoinrpc (https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc)\n") exit(-1) serverUrl = "http://user:pwd@" if len(sys.argv) > 1: serverUrl = sys.argv[1] twister = AuthServiceProxy(serverUrl) class User: avatar = "" fullname = "" location = "" updateTime = 0 class MyDb: lastBlockHash = 0 try: db = cPickle.load(open(dbFileName)) nextHash = db.lastBlockHash except: db = MyDb() db.usernames = {} nextHash = twister.getblockhash(0) while True: block = twister.getblock(nextHash) db.lastBlockHash = block["hash"] print str(block["height"]) + "\r", usernames = block["usernames"] for u in usernames: if not db.usernames.has_key(u): db.usernames[u] = User() if block.has_key("nextblockhash"): nextHash = block["nextblockhash"] else: break now = time.time() for u in db.usernames.keys(): if db.usernames[u].updateTime + cacheTimeout < now: print "getting avatar for", u, "..." d = twister.dhtget(u,"avatar","s") if len(d) == 1 and d[0].has_key("p") and d[0]["p"].has_key("v"): db.usernames[u].avatar = d[0]["p"]["v"] print "getting profile for", u, "..." d = twister.dhtget(u,"profile","s") if len(d) == 1 and d[0].has_key("p") and d[0]["p"].has_key("v"): db.usernames[u].fullname = d[0]["p"]["v"]["fullname"] db.usernames[u].location = d[0]["p"]["v"]["location"] db.usernames[u].updateTime = now cPickle.dump(db,open(dbFileName,"w")) from HTML import HTML from cgi import escape def outputHtmlUserlist(fname, db, keys): h = HTML() head = h.head("") with h.body(""): with h.table(border='1', newlines=True): with h.colgroup: h.col(span="1", style="width: 64px;") h.col(span="1", style="width: 130px;") h.col(span="1", style="width: 250px;") h.col(span="1", style="width: 250px;") with h.tr: h.th("avatar") h.th("username") h.th("fullname") h.th("location") for u in keys: with h.tr: with h.td(): h.img('',src=escape(db.usernames[u].avatar), width="64", height="64") h.td(u) h.td(escape(db.usernames[u].fullname)) h.td(escape(db.usernames[u].location)) open(fname, "w").write(str(h)) print "Generating", htmlFileName, "..." keys = db.usernames.keys() keys.sort() # sorted by username outputHtmlUserlist(htmlFileName, db, keys)