====== Compiling twister on Mac OS X ====== ====== Preparation ====== Install Xcode, either from your OS media or by [[https://developer.apple.com/xcode/|downloading it]] from Apple. You should also install git, the source control system used by Twister, which can be done either by installing the GUI application [[https://desktop.github.com/|GitHub Desktop]] or [[https://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/|Git for OS X]]. You can also install git using the same tools as will be used for the rest of these instructions, Homebrew or Macports. Both [[http://brew.sh/|Homebrew]] and [[https://www.macports.org/|Macports]] are package control systems for accessing and installing many different Unix tools on Mac. Which to use is a matter of personal preference. Twister has been compiled successfully on Mavericks as well as on Snow Leopard. On the latter a few other tools used by the build system (like automake) are outdated, however, they can be updated through Homebrew or Macports as well if the need arises. ====== clone twister-core and twister-html ====== In your favourite development working directory, execute the following commands: git clone https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-core.git git clone https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-html.git Create Twister's working directory under your user and link the UI folder into it: mkdir ~/.twister cd ~/.twister ln -s /your-dev-directory/twister-html html ====== Instructions : Macports ====== Install the necessary dependencies for building Twister: sudo port install boost db48@+no_java openssl miniupnpc libtool Set the necessary environment variables: export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include export OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib/ export BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include/db48 export BDB_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib/db48 export BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include export BOOST_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib export BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt export LDFLAGS="-L$OPENSSL_LIB_PATH -L$BDB_LIB_PATH -L$BOOST_LIB_PATH" export CPPFLAGS="-I$OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH -I$BDB_INCLUDE_PATH -I$BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH" Enter the folder you cloned Twister to: cd /your-dev-directory/twister-core Run the Twister configuration tools and make the Twister daemon: ./autotool.sh ./configure --enable-logging make You can now start Twister by executing the following command: ./twisterd -daemon -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcallowip= Access [[]] to see the Twister UI.