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Peer-to-peer microblogging

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====== Welcome on community twister wiki ====== twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols. ^ Free Speech ^ No Spying ^ No IP recording ^ | {{ :megaphone-people.jpg?nolink&100 |Free Speech }} | {{ :spy-keyhole.jpg?nolink&100 |No Spying}} | {{ :footsteps-digital.jpg?nolink&100 |No IP recording}} | | Because twister is completely decentralized no one can censor you. No one can remove your posts. Your account cannot be blocked. | Private communication (Direct Messages) are protected with end-to-end encryption. Both content and metadata (the recipient address) are protected. | The IP address you use to access twister is not recorded on any server. Your online presence is not announced. | **You will find more general information and news about the project on [[|the main developer website]].** ===== Maps of twister wiki ===== ==== Development ==== * [[Development:Developer resources]] * [[Development:Signature and ports]] * [[Development:DHT Protocol:]] * [[Development:DHT Protocol:APIs]] * [[Development:DHT Protocol:Structures]] * [[Development:JSON commands:]] * [[Development:Scripting examples:]] * [[Development:Scripting examples:Python]] ==== Using twister ==== * [[Using:Twister beginner guide:]] * [[Using:Twister beginner guide:Start twister on GNU/Linux]] * [[Using:Twister beginner guide:Start twister on Windows]] * [[Using:Twister beginner guide:Start twister on Mac OS X]] * [[Using:Twister beginner guide:Start twister on Android]] * [[Using:Howto:]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Debian 7]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Debian 7 ARM]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Fedora 19]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Ubuntu 12.04]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Mac OS X]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister on Windows Cygwin]] * [[Using:Howto:Compiling twister for Android]] * [[Using:Howto:Mining with CPU]] * [[Using:Howto:Mining cgminer]] * [[Using:Howto:Mining CudaMiner]] * [[Using:Howto:twister_on_your_self-host_server]] * [[Using:Issues:]] * [[Using:Issues:Known using issues]] * [[Using:Issues:Known GNU/Linux issues]] * [[Using:Issues:Known Mac OS X issues]] * [[Using:Issues:Known Android issues]] * [[Using:Issues:Known Windows Cygwin issues]] * [[Using:Todo:]] * [[Using:Todo:Twister general todo]] * [[Using:Todo:Twister-core todo]] * [[Using:Todo:Twister-html todo]] * [[Using:Todo:Twister mining todo]] * [[Using:Todo:Twister Android app todo]] * [[Using:User resources]] ==== Using twister wiki ==== * [[wiki:dokuwiki|What is dokuwiki]] * [[wiki:syntax|Wiki syntax]] * [[playground:playground|A page to test wiki syntax]] * [[wiki:translation|Translate content of this wiki]] * [[:map|All pages alphabetically]]

start.1392129842.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/11 15:44 by jpfox