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====== ​Clients and themes ​====== ======= theme: twister-html ======= {{:using:twister_beginner_guide:twister_html.png?200|}} this theme is the standard theme for twister, see [[|repository]], by @mfreitas ======= theme: calm ======= {{:using:twister_beginner_guide:calm_theme.png?200|}} [[|twister-calm]] by @hedgehog * already included in twister (change in your settings in twister-html) * [[|further info]] ======= theme: nin ======= {{:using:twister_beginner_guide:nin_theme.jpg?200|}} [[|twister-nin]] by @myleneb * already included in twister (change in your settings in twister-html) * [[|further info]] ======= clients ======= * for Android: *[[|webview-app]] by @mfreitas *[[|twister-android]] by @szelok (1 user reported this doesn't work anymore. If so, we'd appreciate a [[|bug report]]) * in python: [[|swizzler]] by @thedod {{:using:twister_beginner_guide:swizzler.png?200|}} * for Emacs: [[|twister.el]] by @mrb {{:using:twister_beginner_guide:emacs_twister_el_20140518_0010.png?200|}} * desktop app for Windows, MacOS, Linux: [[|twister-webkit]] * [[|twisting]] ======= work in progress ======= * [[|tweetdeck-like]] by @erkanyuksel * [[]] by @arco * [[|pyTwister]] by @thedod * type-aware encrypted database * can be used as a high level API by other client * ncurses based ======= see also ======= * [[|tools]]

using/twister_beginner_guide/twister_clients.1440829513.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/29 08:25 by erkan_yilmaz