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using:howto:compiling_twister_on_mac_os_x [2014/01/31 16:08]
troed added correct title
using:howto:compiling_twister_on_mac_os_x [2015/11/08 04:32] (current)
xfq Update Homebrew link
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 ====== Preparation ====== ====== Preparation ======
-Install ​XCode, either from your OS media or by [[https://​​xcode/​|downloading it]] from Apple. You should also install git, the source control system used by Twister, which can be done either by installing the UI application [[​|GitHub]] ​(OS X 10.7+ only) or [[https://​​p/​git-osx-installer/​|Git for OS X]]. You can also install git using the same tools as will be used for the rest of these instructions,​ Homebrew or Macports.+Install ​Xcode, either from your OS media or by [[https://​​xcode/​|downloading it]] from Apple. You should also install git, the source control system used by Twister, which can be done either by installing the GUI application [[​|GitHub ​Desktop]] or [[https://​​p/​git-osx-installer/​|Git for OS X]]. You can also install git using the same tools as will be used for the rest of these instructions,​ Homebrew or Macports.
-Both [[​homebrew/​|Homebrew]] and [[https://​​|Macports]] are package control systems for accessing and installing many different ​unix tools on Mac. Which to use is a matter of personal preference.+Both [[​|Homebrew]] and [[https://​​|Macports]] are package control systems for accessing and installing many different ​Unix tools on Mac. Which to use is a matter of personal preference.
 Twister has been compiled successfully on Mavericks as well as on Snow Leopard. On the latter a few other tools used by the build system (like automake) are outdated, however, they can be updated through Homebrew or Macports as well if the need arises. Twister has been compiled successfully on Mavericks as well as on Snow Leopard. On the latter a few other tools used by the build system (like automake) are outdated, however, they can be updated through Homebrew or Macports as well if the need arises.
using/howto/compiling_twister_on_mac_os_x.1391180884.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/01/31 16:08 by troed